HOORAY! Well, after years of thinking about "one day" launching our own e-commerce site . . . I finally actually did. Over the past few years I've let a lot of this slide down the priority list because of four sweet, little girls (and one handsome guy) that pretty much need me at 120%. I absolutely love and cherish my time with my family and I've realized that they really do grow up so fast and time is incredibly short. These are the days - and I don't want to miss them! I don't want to put myself in a position where I'm too busy/stressed/tired/(as I type this at 11 pm :) ) where I can't be the mom or wife I want to - that I feel called to be. It's a struggle and a balance - always! But over the years I've had the passion to create some really fun things for my kids, my family - designs/products that I would love to share and make a part of your homes.
So here is my encouragement to you..that book you never finished, project you are yet to do with your child, date night you are still to set or a dream you never let yourself consider - just take a step. Everyone starts somewhere. I've come to the realization my life is pretty much never going to become less "busier" - it's up to me on how intentional I am with it and what I get done. I'm one of those people that thinks I have to do ______ and ______ before I feel ready or can do ________. Well, you know how that goes. So here is to actually getting things done, no matter how trivial. Make it happen friends! Pray about your "it" - there is a time for everything, God knows, he hears our hearts. Anytime you want to chat, send over a prayer request, need some support, (baby girl advice) - shoot me over an e-mail..I sincerely love to hear from you!
So please stay updated and keep in touch because hopefully in the months to come and in between school work, meals, naps, field trips... I will be s l o w l y getting caught up on new products! I'm thrilled about this new site! And will hopefully be getting a newsletter out there sooner than later - so please, sign up (LINK BELOW)! Share with your friends & family - I am truly grateful for your support.